Headway Brain Injury Association is a charity organisation for brain injury individuals, family/whanau, carers, and the community, based in Tauranga since 1995. It is set up as an incorporated society with charitable status. The geographical area covers Tauranga, Mt Maunganui, Papamoa, Te Puke, Maketu, Pukehina, Tangaroa, to Waihi Beach, Katikati, and the Lower Kaimai Ranges.
Headway affiliated to The Brain Injury Association of New Zealand Inc, which provides access to further information.
We have a Liaison Office Service based at The Hillier Centre, Gloucester Road Mt Maunganui; the liaison officer provides information on traumatic and acquired brain injury, individual client support, referrals to current services and agencies, advocacy and guidance with ACC, Ministry of Social Development (Work and Income), the Health System and Ministry of Disabled People-Whaikaha.
Headway also offers monthly support groups for women with a brain injury and social rehabilitation outings for brain injury clients, education sessions, and fundraising events. The Liaison Service is free but we are member organisation with membership open to the brain injured, their families and supporters.
Many individuals with a brain injury suffer on-going problems:
Committee Member:
Committee Member:
Committee Member:
Sue Rutherford
Pauline Taylor
Jan Simpson
Ashleigh Anderson
Gill Gardner
Matthew Bindon
Liaison Officer:
Services Coordinator:
Administration Officer:
Dianne Beveridge
Gill Gardner
Jan Simpson
Liaison Officer:
Funding Officer:
Dianne Beveridge
Gill Gardner
Liaison Officer:
Funding Officer:
Dianne Beveridge
Gill Gardner
Charities Services Registration Number: CC233358
Incorporated Societies Number: 705545
GST Number: 068-787-580
NZBN: 9429042720614