Our Supporters & Associates

Thank you to all our amazing supporters and associates

        Brain Injury NZ         

Bake Shack Mt Maunganui

Bayfair Shopping Centre

Bethlehem Countdown

Chadwick Café Greerton

Club Mount Maunganui

Coastal Rehab Services

Gate Pa New World

Girven Road Dairy Papamoa

Greerton Roast Meals

Katikati Countdown

Leap Legal Software
Liquor Hutt Mount Maunganui
Mitre 10 Te Puke
Mount Maunganui New World

Mount Maunganui RSA
Muffin Break Bayfair
Papamoa Four Square
Papamoa Plaza
My Pharmacy Papamoa Plaza
Rising Tide Mount Maunganui

St George's Centrepoint
Tauranga Citizens Club
Tauriko Pak N Save
Te Puke Citizens RSA
Te Puke Hotel
The Western Bay of Plenty Disability Support Trust
Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People
Wine Barrel Mount Maunganui